Addressing the root causes of our physical and emotional imprints and symptoms
Quantum physics deals with the smallest components of matter, which are even smaller than atoms and the usual elementary particles (protons, neutrons, electrons): They are actually perceived as energy because they are ‘space within space’. Research shows that particles can exchange information and „learn from each other“. Thus, quantum energy can be understood as small thinking entities. Some researchers even go so far as to claim that Consciousness, quasi as the sum of human thoughts, also functions according to the principle of quantum physics. Here they smell a possible explanation for precognition (premonitions), telepathy (thought transmission) and telekinesis (remote movement). It is believed that elementary particles have a wave character and in principle extend to infinity – thus Consciousness would not be limited in space either.
Energy Healing, or Quantum Healing, addresses the root causes of our physical and emotional imprints and symptoms, and uses the fact that Consciousness is unlimited. Through breathing exercises, healing techniques, frequency meditations, rituals, relaxation and visualization, we can modify our physical and mental vibrations, and consequently, change and unblock stored information in our system. When we release blockages and shift thought- and behaviour patterns, a new information is given to our cells. This is how we can consciously become the creators of our own lives!